HubSpot Data Sync

Updated by Devinder Singh

This comprehensive document will walk you through the step-by-step configuration process for HubSpot data sync and address specific use cases tailored to HubSpot .

Standard Data Sync functionality

Please refer to Data Sync - Getting Started for the standard data sync functionality. The getting started document covers usages of data sync features valid for all integrations.

Installing app

  1. Go to HubSpot Marketplace
  2. Search for "Byteline Sync"
  3. Select the app and click on the Install app button.
  4. After installing the app, refer to the next section on configuring a data sync.

Configuring HubSpot Data Sync

Step 1: Start the Sync Setup
  1. Log in to your Byteline account and navigate to the My Syncs page.
  2. Click on the "Create Sync" button to begin the configuration.
Step 2: Select HubSpot as Your First App
  1. Choose HubSpot as the first app to sync.
    • Alternatively, you can select another app first and then pick HubSpot as the second app.
  2. Click on "Sign In" under HubSpot to connect your HubSpot account to Byteline.
Step 3: Choose HubSpot Object Type
  1. Select the HubSpot object you wish to sync. Byteline supports the following HubSpot objects:
    • Contacts
    • Companies
    • Deals
    • Custom Objects.

Step 4: Connect the Second App
  1. Select the second app for syncing and log in to authorize the connection.
  2. Once connected, click "Continue" to move to the table mapping screen.
Step 5: Map Tables Between HubSpot and the Other App
  1. Select the tables to sync between both apps. For all HubSpot objects (except Custom Objects), you’ll see a single table available in the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the tables you want to sync between the two apps.
Step 6: Configure Field Mapping
  1. On the Field Mapping screen, drag and drop fields from the right panel into the mapped fields column to create mappings.
  2. To delete a mapping, click the X button next to the field.
  3. Select the sync direction at the field level using the arrow buttons.
    One-Way Sync: Data flows from one app to the other.
    Two-Way Sync: Data flows bidirectionally between both apps.
  4. Once your mappings are finalized, click "Continue."
Step 7: Sync Existing Data Configuration
  1. Select the sync direction for your existing data:
Step 8: Review Sync Preview
  1. Preview the sync setup to ensure everything is configured correctly.
  2. If all looks good, click "Start Sync."
  3. Byteline will sync your existing data and make the sync live.
Step 9: Automatic Record Syncing

Once the sync is live, any changes made to records in either app will automatically sync to the other app in real time.

Why Use Byteline for HubSpot Data Sync?

Byteline simplifies the process of syncing data between HubSpot and other apps, ensuring:

  • Real-time data synchronization.
  • Support for multiple HubSpot object types, including Contacts, Companies, Deals, and Custom Objects.
  • Easy-to-use field mapping and sync direction configuration.

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