Extract data from sites instantly

Connect with popular integrations

+ many more
Nadeem Mohammed, MBA

After comparing more than twenty different scraping tools, Byteline emerged as the winner. Setting up a Byteline flow is very easy. I had a number of questions for our application, which were answered in detail via chat.

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Download the extension to get started

Get it free

Set up in minutes


Get the Byteline extension to start scraping without any code

Select your content

Specify which information that you want to extract from a website

Paste into Byteline

Use the console to instruct how your data should be handled

Supercharge your scraping with powerful tools

Deep Scraping

Extract data from linked pages

Configure multiple scraping instructions to extract data from linked pages from a single path or list.


Get the data no matter how its divided

Capture data from lists that are horizontally, vertically or infinitely paged.

Scrape Behind a Login

Scrape from behind the wall

Capture data whether it's unrestricted access or found behind a login.

Pre-scrape Clicks

Click, click, scrape

Sometimes actions need to happen on a page before you can start extracting the data. Configure on page clicks that occur prior to scraping a single element or list.

Three data  tools. One platform.


Automate your redundant tasks like sending email notifications, updating spreadsheets, creating calendar events, and much more.


Pair your automations with data that you would like extracted from websites.

Data Sync

Ensure that data is consistently and accurately updated across multiple integrations. Decide how changes made in one system are reflected in the other, ensuring that both systems have the most up-to-date information.


Get the extension to start scraping without any code

Data Sync

Get the extension to start scraping without any code

Reach out for expert support
Request support

Use scraped data with any Byteline task

Web Scraper
Airtable - Update Records
The scheduler triggers the flow to scrape a web page
Extract content and data from a website
Web Scraper
Export to airtable or any other Byteline integration
Airtable - Update Records
The scheduler triggers the flow to scrape a web page
Extract content and data from a website
Web Scraper
Export to airtable or any other Byteline integration
Airtable - Update Records

Key Features

You don’t need Integromat or Zapier to consume the data.

Automatically fix the scraper on the website change

Deep Scraping - Scrape further based on the scraped URLs from a website.


Automatic Captcha resolution

Auto-rotate IPs

Use the Chrome Extension to select the elements to scrape
Chrome extension icon
Install Free Chrome Extension
Configure the selected elements on the Console
web scraper step 1

Pick elements

Easily pick elements to scrape using our Chrome extension and then configure them on the Byteline Console.
web scraper step 2

Data Scraped

Byteline server scrapes the configured data. Auto-rotates the residential IPs to ensure reliable data scraping.
web scraper step 3


Export your scraped data to Airtable, Google Sheets, or any of the Byteline integrations.

Easily scrape any data

list of cryptocurrency marketplaces small chartlist of cryptocurrency marketplaces

      "coin":"Ethereum 2",
      "coin":"Binance Coin",


1 action / 10 fields