Become a Byteline affiliate

Earn 40% commission
for 12 months.

Estimate your earnings

Basic plan

$ 14 /month * 40%


$ 28 /month

standard plan

$ 29 /month * 40%


$ 104 /month

pro plan

$ 59 /month * 40%


$ 307 /month


$5,268/ year

for referring 27 users

How it works



Sign up here to get started


Share your referral link

No special skills required
Share in ways that work for you



Earn 40% commission on all your referrals for 12 months

Proven tools of success

Share with your network

Publish educational content

Post social media accounts

Get involved with forums

Run ad campaigns

Incorporate into your client’s workflow


What is Byteline?

Byteline is a no-code workflow automation platform designed to scale with users. Click here to sign up.

Who can become an affiliate?

Anyone can become an affiliate. The most successful participants are no-code thought leaders, freelancers, influencers, and integration experts.

Can I run paid ads on my affiliate link?

Yes, so long as you follow the rules that are part of our Terms & Conditions. Affiliate users shall not use the keyword (Trademark) - “Byteline” in ads, nowhere in an ad copy - title or body text. Affiliate users can’t use the keyword "Byteline" or any Byteline Trademark within online ad campaigns (including, without limitation, within metadata or search-based advertising such as Google Adwords) without prior written consent from Byteline.

Does it cost anything to be an affiliate?

No! It’s completely free. The better you do, the better we do.

Do I need to be a Byteline user?

No, you don’t have to be a customer of Byteline in order to become an affiliate. We would strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the benefits, use cases, and product releases to better help you engage with your referrals. 

How often do you process payouts for referrals?

Payments are distributed on the 4th of every month for the prior month's commission.

How long does the cookie last?

Visitors have 45 days to sign up for Byteline after clicking on your affiliate link.

Someone I referred to Byteline did not use my affiliate link when registering for Byteline. Can you add the user to my affiliate account?

No. The new user must use your unique affiliate link when registering in order to be added to your affiliate account.

How will I get paid?

You can select from Paypal or ACH.

How can I track my referrals?

You can see your stats here.

Where do my affiliate commissions come from?

You earn your commissions from the subscription payments of any users you have brought to Byteline. Your monthly commission from a user will be adjusted to reflect the plan they use (both upgrading and downgrading). Commissions are paid for 12 months from sign up or until the user cancels their subscription.